LGBT Satanová komunita a jej liberálne hodnoty. Chora liberalna doba !
MATOVIČ: LGBTI a vyznávači SATANa v Banskej Bystrici. Odporný GRC. Tie FOTKY musíte vidieť
Včera (29. júna 2019) sa v srdci Slovenska, v povstaleckej Banskej Bystrici uskutočnil #PRIDE #BB 2019 – PRECHOD NA ROVNOSŤ.
Pochod vyvolal rôzne reakcie a zareagoval naň aj šéf OĽANO a poslanec obyčajných ľudí Igor Matovič. Matovič si servítku pred ústa rozhodne nekládol a a účastníkov pochodu nazval, že sú „vyznávači satana“
Gay people are turning to Satan
The Satanic Temple has a thriving LGBT community, according to one of its most senior figures.
Ash Blackwood, who established a Satanist chapter in New York City, spoke to Vice about how the movement has become a hub for LGBT people.
Mr Blackwood explained to the outlet that in contrast to a lot of organised religion, Satanism has fostered an “enthusiastically accepting atmosphere for LGBTQ people”.
Its inclusive platform has paid off – and Satanic Temple founder Lucien Greaves added that he wouldn’t be surprised if more than half of the congregation identifies as LGBT. ...
K-12 Schools Bringing in Drag Queens to Teach Gender Ideology

K-12 schools are bringing drag queens into the classroom to teach gender ideology, a Thursday video revealed.
Teachers are praising “Drag Queen Story Hour,” according to a clip released by videographer Sean Fitzgerald and the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The program “captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”
Maurice Sendak Community School, a public school located in Brooklyn, New York, hosted a drag queen and first grade teacher Alexis Hernandez marveled at the event in a testimonial published on Drag Queen Story Hour’s website.
“Drag Queen Story Hour gave my first graders a fun and interactive platform to talk and think about social and emotional issues like acceptance, being yourself, and loving who you are,” Hernandez said. “During our debrief … [students] were preaching the incredible lessons they had learned, like ‘it’s OK to be different,’ and ‘there’s no such thing as “boy” and “girl” things.’”
The first grade teacher said she would be hosting the event again the following year. Katrina Green, a teacher from Chickpeas Preschool in Brooklyn, also lauded the program.
The event “allows preschool children to deepen and complicate their ideas about gender at the exact age when they are often developing rigid ideas about this concept,” Green said.
Drag Queen Story Hour markets itself to children between 3 and 8 years old. The program’s reading list includes books like “Jacob’s New Dress” by Sarah and Ian Hoffman and “Red: A Crayon’s Story”by Michael Hall. While the former book’s plot revolves around a boy convincing his parents to let him wear a dress to school, the latter chronicles the journey of a crayon “mistakenly labeled” red to identify successfully as blue.
Fitzgerald cited articles noting a spike in children identifying as transgender within the past few years.
“Think about how absurd this is,” the videographer said. “The taxpayer is funding adult-themed performers to come and read to our smallish children in order to indoctrinate them into a political ideology about gender while, at the same time, school districts across the country are removing any and all references to biological sex from science textbooks.”
Fitzgerald directed viewers to, where they can report indoctrination in K-12 schools.
The Horse Who Wanted to Be a Dog: Swedish Kids Taught About Transsexuality

Sweden, a country renowned for its stance on gender equality, has launched a brochure on transsexuality aimed at toddlers. The book is about a horse that wants to be a dog and its owner who wants to be a woman.
The new sex education brochure for preschoolers called "Horse and Master" has been penned by Susanne Pelger, a PhD of genetics and a teacher of biology and mathematics at Lund University. ...
Schools Hire Drag Queens to Indoctrinate Children
Perhaps the most infamous “Drag Queen Story Hour” event took place at the Michelle Obama Library in California. At that event, a drag queen called “'Xochi Mochi” with five demonic horns sticking out of its head read an LGBT-themed story to children as young as 2 and 3 years old. “It’s so important to have representation and normalize all the letters in LGBTQIA+ in everyday lives,” explained the drag queen on Twitter.

One of the government schools that invited grown men dressed up as women to spend time with young children was the Maurice Sendak Community School in Brooklyn, New York. According to media reports and a testimonial on the Drag Queen Story Hour’s website, first-grade teacher Alexis Hernandez loved the drag-queen scheme's attack on biological reality and traditional morality.....